All trainers have a unique blend of skills and are experts in the field of Motor Vehicle Safety. Advanced Driver Training Centre’s trainers work closely with vehicle manufacturers. They are always being kept abreast of the latest in safety and technology innovations before becoming available to the general public. This transfers directly into the training packages delivered to our clients. All trainers at Advanced Driver Training Centre hold a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Director ADTC Townsville Qualified Learner Drive Instructor Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Colin has been involved in driver training for over 20 years. Working in Driver Education both in Australia and in Europe. Training in Europe has helped him to better understand drivers, and to develop training methods to improve the confidence and abilities of drivers from Learners onwards.
With a unique background in the motor vehicle industry, having the opportunity over the past 20 years to work directly with Vehicle and Tyre manufactures, proving, testing and launching new vehicles. Training Local Law Enforcement, Emergency Services, Military, Government, Corporate, Learn to Drive and everyday licensed drivers. He is well placed to give participants a broad and factual account of modern day motoring, road safety and driver training.
Dr. Jim Mitchell Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Jim has been involved in biosecurity management training for over 37 years throughout Australia. Jim has also conducted training and seminars throughout Europe on the management of invasive species. Jim was also the Professional Leader at the Tropical Weeds Research Centre for some years and has a unique background with biosecurity issues for both weed and animal invasive species management.
Jim has had the opportunity over the past 37 years to work directly with Governments and organisations throughout Australia on training Local and State Government staff and landholders on invasive species management. He is well placed to give participants a broad and factual account of modern methods to combat the spread of invasive weed species.
Delivered by Expert Training Group (RTO 30993)
TLIC0031 Apply Safe Car Driving Behaviours, RIIVEH201D Operate Light Vehicle, TLIC1051 Operate a Commercial Vehicle. This course is designed to reduce the risk of everyday drivers on our roads. From P Platers to professional drivers. Advanced Driver Training has been the leader in driver training for 30 years. There is no sacrifice for experience when it comes to your life.
Delivered by Expert Training Group (RTO 30993)
TLIC0031 Apply Safe Car Driving Behaviours. We can reduce the risk! Our course is modelled on a number of highly successful mandatory courses that are proven to make a difference in European countries. Being a Nationally Recognised training it is tax deductable.
Delivered by Expert Training Group (RTO 30993)
PMASUP236 Operate vehicles in the field. Widely regarded by many government and Emergency Services organisations as one of the most current 4WD course available. This course does include recovery and is either a 1 or 2-day course depending on clients’ needs.
Drive Manoeuvre Trailer. Caravans, Camper Trailers, Box Trailers, and Utility Trailers - We'll help you with whatever your passenger car towing requirements are.
Moving ever forward we encourage you to remain fully up to date with all our future courses. Consider the High-Performance Driving Course. Please call or email for more details (1300 866 156 or
Delivered by Expert Training Group (RTO 30993)
TLIC1051 Operate Commercial Vehicle, TLIC0031 Apply Safe Car Driving Behaviours. This course is recommended for people who may be struggling with the ever changing traffic situations they encounter and for corporate clients looking to assess their staff’s driving habits in company vehicles.